Rugged Wheelie Bin RFID Tags
Most reliable wheelie bin and food caddy RFID Tags supplied since 2009
Products inquireBin Deliveries is the most important, yet most prone to human error day-to-day process managed by Waste Management wheelie bin collection companies. Our state-of-the-art Mobile App developed to completely automate that task will help to speed up the bin delivery process, thanks to live 4G data delivery to customer’s Bin Management System. Our durable scanner with user friendly and multilingual User Interface will simplify Bin Delivery task and eliminate human errors.
Our RFID Tags are FULLY COMPATIBLE with all leading Bin ID and Bin Weighing systems including BINWEIGH 03 by VPG, AMCS, MOBA, Precia Molen, Terberg
ASK FOR SAMPLESQuickly create and maintain Bin Yard stock of all Wheelie Bin containers by scanning RFID tags of the same bin size and product one after another. Simply choose YARD BINS option on hand scanner device and start scanning RFID tags inserted into the wheelie bins with both Bin Size and Bin Product defaulted to predefined settings in our App. You can change Default Bin Size and Default Bin Product with no hassle.
Saving the time and simplifying Bin Delivery process will quckly return the investment in this solution.
We provide personal training of your bin delivery crew, to get them familiar with all possibilities of the hand scanner and how to maximize the use of it.
We can remotely dial in to your scanner to help you resolve any software issues.
We have devoted a lot of attention to give the bin delivery crew the highest possible flexibility, on how they want to use the Bin Scanner. They can use the touch screen or actual buttons to complete bin delivery tasks.
User can predefine common fields, like Bin Size or Bin Product, that will be filled for him automatically, saving time on repetitive tasks. Also he can rearrange the way, that he collects the information about the bins.
Constant Exchange of scan data between device and cloud server.
Scanner records GPS coordinates during bin delivery.
We can add any translation possible. User can easily change the language of the app in the SETTINGS menu.
Scan all bins in your yard with ease, to create and maintain up-to-date stock of all bins available for deliveries.
Each scanner holds a full week of all scanner operations done by the user, so he can review his work if needed.
System will deliver full activity report with all bin scans details to a designated office staff for delivery reconciliation.
Bin Scanner is equipped with RFID Reader capable of scanning RFID Tags. Also, it is equipped in Barcode scanner to read Bin ID Labels, that identify who the bin belongs to (householder). Scanner allows you to use the icons on the screen, but also the actual “SCAN” buttons on the scanner, which is a more preferred option due to the harsh environment, that the scanner is used. User then chooses Bin Size and Bin Product and saves the information to the database.
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We have created small gallery, where you can see our Bin Scanner in action, additional information about RFID Tags and the Bin.Scanner Mobile App.
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